der blaue engel 4
Der Blaue Engel, 2021
209 x 155 x 50 cm, Wood, Plaster, Epoxide ResinDer Blaue Engel, 2021
209 x 155 x 50 cm, Wood, Plaster, Epoxide Resin -
the hunt 19
The Hunt, 2016
570 x 240 x 45 cm, Polyester Resin, Pigmnet, Fabric, Wood, Car Finish, (covered: Deer, Springbok, Chamois Buck, Fox, Aries)The Hunt, 2016
570 x 240 x 45 cm, Polyester Resin, Pigmnet, Fabric, Wood, Car Finish, (covered: Deer, Springbok, Chamois Buck, Fox, Aries) -
fine bone chinese dragon 1
Fine Bone Chinese Dragon, 2020
115 x 30 x 55 cm, Porcelain (Cups, Teapots, Sugar bowles, Vases ) Epoxy Resin, PlasterFine Bone Chinese Dragon, 2020
115 x 30 x 55 cm, Porcelain (Cups, Teapots, Sugar bowles, Vases ) Epoxy Resin, Plaster -
1 princess
Princess, 2022
165 x 50 x 30 cm, Wood, Epoxide ResinPrincess, 2022
165 x 50 x 30 cm, Wood, Epoxide Resin -
now i must can fly
Now I must can fly, 2019
70 x 100 x 50 cm, Wood, Plaster, Bird, Epoxide Resin, PigmentsNow I must can fly, 2019
70 x 100 x 50 cm, Wood, Plaster, Bird, Epoxide Resin, Pigments -
love desire death
380 x 330 x 210 cm, Steel, Pigments, Taxidermied Birds, Polyester ResinLOVE DESIRE DEATH, 2019
380 x 330 x 210 cm, Steel, Pigments, Taxidermied Birds, Polyester Resin -
sechs frazen 18
Sechs Frazen, 2017
each 50 x 40 cm, Lithograph, TinfoilSechs Frazen, 2017
each 50 x 40 cm, Lithograph, Tinfoil -
works 2 20180718
I wish I could fly, 2016
95 x 62 x 18 cm, Automotive finish, wood taxidermied, pheasant, polyester resin fabricI wish I could fly, 2016
95 x 62 x 18 cm, Automotive finish, wood taxidermied, pheasant, polyester resin fabric -
works 1 20180718
The Carousel, 2017
470 x 225 cm, metal, polyesterresin, acrylic paint, electric motor, loudspeakersThe Carousel, 2017
470 x 225 cm, metal, polyesterresin, acrylic paint, electric motor, loudspeakers -
works 3 20180718
Ich wollte immer perfekt sein, 2017
210 x 60 x 8 cm, woodcut, automotive finish, spraypaintIch wollte immer perfekt sein, 2017
210 x 60 x 8 cm, woodcut, automotive finish, spraypaint -
works 4 20180718
Pursuit of demons, 2016
730 x 330 x 220 cm, copperplaster, polyesterresinPursuit of demons, 2016
730 x 330 x 220 cm, copperplaster, polyesterresin -
works 1 20180718
dark forest, 2016
140 x 100 x 20 cm, stainless steel, doeskin, wood, carpaintdark forest, 2016
140 x 100 x 20 cm, stainless steel, doeskin, wood, carpaint -
works 2 20180718
Deers love with the light, 2016
170 x 150 x 30 cm, wood, carfinish, fluorescent lamphornDeers love with the light, 2016
170 x 150 x 30 cm, wood, carfinish, fluorescent lamphorn -
works 3 20180718
Layer I, 2016
160 x 100 x 20 cm, stainless steel, paperLayer I, 2016
160 x 100 x 20 cm, stainless steel, paper -
works 3 20180718
trying to swipe away the abstract, 2016
70 x 70 x 8 cm, wood, car finish, polyester resintrying to swipe away the abstract, 2016
70 x 70 x 8 cm, wood, car finish, polyester resin -
works 4 20180718
Paper I, 2016
110 x 75 x 20 cm, stainless steel, paper cordPaper I, 2016
110 x 75 x 20 cm, stainless steel, paper cord -
works 4 20180718
Weiches Strammstehen, 2015
150 x 70 x 24 cm, wood, carfinish, steel, fabric polyester resinWeiches Strammstehen, 2015
150 x 70 x 24 cm, wood, carfinish, steel, fabric polyester resin -
works 2 20180718
Lügnerin, 2015
100 x 230 cm, wood, abstract lines in carfinish, spray, paintLügnerin, 2015
100 x 230 cm, wood, abstract lines in carfinish, spray, paint -
works 1 20180718
Auf dem Weg zur Anatomie, 2016
60 x 40 x 8 cm, Edelstahl, Lkw-Plane, Radierung, AcrylglasAuf dem Weg zur Anatomie, 2016
60 x 40 x 8 cm, Edelstahl, Lkw-Plane, Radierung, Acrylglas -
works 4 20180718
Paper V, 2016
100 x 70 x 20 cm, cardboard, stainless steel, cast, hemp, ropePaper V, 2016
100 x 70 x 20 cm, cardboard, stainless steel, cast, hemp, rope -
works 2 20180718
Illusion, 2015
Illusion, 2015
works 1 20180718
Birds don't lie - part I, 2015
Birds don't lie - part I, 2015
works 3 20180718
Paper II, 2016
Paper II, 2016
works 1 20180718
Cover my vulnerability, 2014
40 x 25 x 25 cm, polyester resin, plasterCover my vulnerability, 2014
40 x 25 x 25 cm, polyester resin, plaster -
works 1 20180718
Milky bambi, 2011
55 x 40 x 20 cm, polyester resin, fawnMilky bambi, 2011
55 x 40 x 20 cm, polyester resin, fawn -
works 1 20180718
Don't remember me, 2011
70 x 35 x 44 cm, mixed mediaDon't remember me, 2011
70 x 35 x 44 cm, mixed media -
works 1 20180718
Blue Sky, 2015
27 x 40 x 40 cm, wood, carfinish, horns of springbokBlue Sky, 2015
27 x 40 x 40 cm, wood, carfinish, horns of springbok -
works 1 20180718
Flying desire, 2011
125 x 60 x 40 cm, carpet, wood, varnish, plasterFlying desire, 2011
125 x 60 x 40 cm, carpet, wood, varnish, plaster -
works 1 20180718
trying to kill my ego, 2014
100 x 90 x 30 cm, wood, carfinish, cementtrying to kill my ego, 2014
100 x 90 x 30 cm, wood, carfinish, cement -
works 2 20180718
Put your finger in my brain, 2014
70 x 70 x 180 cm, wood, car finish, plaster, plexiglas, stainless steelPut your finger in my brain, 2014
70 x 70 x 180 cm, wood, car finish, plaster, plexiglas, stainless steel -
works 2 20180718
the conqueror, 2014
140 x 70 x 170 cm, Mixed Mediathe conqueror, 2014
140 x 70 x 170 cm, Mixed Media -
works 2 20180718
Es könnte so schön sein..., 2012
200 x 200 x 200 cm, mixed mediaEs könnte so schön sein..., 2012
200 x 200 x 200 cm, mixed media -
works 2 20180718
Dichotomic Leisure, 2014
100 x 20 x 12 cm, wood, carfinish, plasterDichotomic Leisure, 2014
100 x 20 x 12 cm, wood, carfinish, plaster -
works 2 20180718
o.T., 12-2011
110 x 30 x 28 cm, mixed mediao.T., 12-2011
110 x 30 x 28 cm, mixed media -
works 3 20180718
Gladiators dream, 2012
470 x 350 x 280 cm, wood, paint, acrylic glas, fluorescent lampsGladiators dream, 2012
470 x 350 x 280 cm, wood, paint, acrylic glas, fluorescent lamps -
works 3 20180718
Selfportrait, 2015
40 x 25 x 23 cm, wax, heating panelSelfportrait, 2015
40 x 25 x 23 cm, wax, heating panel -
works 3 20180718
Thin skinned, 2013
90 x 33 x 23 cm, wood, car finish, plaster, polyester, pigmentThin skinned, 2013
90 x 33 x 23 cm, wood, car finish, plaster, polyester, pigment -
works 3 20180718
Love Savage Secret, 2012
120 x 108 x 30 cm, steel, paint, wood, car finish, plasterLove Savage Secret, 2012
120 x 108 x 30 cm, steel, paint, wood, car finish, plaster -
works 3 20180718
the void, 2016
the void, 2016
works 4 20180718
o.T., 2012
o.T., 2012
works 4 20180718
Treatment of Fragility, 2013
85 x 85 x 23 cm, steel, paint, plaster, polyester, pigmentTreatment of Fragility, 2013
85 x 85 x 23 cm, steel, paint, plaster, polyester, pigment -
works 4 20180718
To the bitter end, 2014
135 x 80 x 185 cm, mixed mediaTo the bitter end, 2014
135 x 80 x 185 cm, mixed media -
works 4 20180718
Trust Me, 2014
170 x 50 x 10 cm, LED-Schrift mit 10-sec-TaktungTrust Me, 2014
170 x 50 x 10 cm, LED-Schrift mit 10-sec-Taktung -
works 4 20180718
Demon, 2012
100 x 38 x 24 cm, wood, car finish, polyesther resin, plasterDemon, 2012
100 x 38 x 24 cm, wood, car finish, polyesther resin, plaster